mac-pixel-clock-patch-V2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mac-pixel-clock-patch-V2 copied to clipboard

Can't apply CoreDisplay Patch (Mac OS 10.14.5)

Open crazyderpygamer opened this issue 5 years ago • 16 comments

Output from trying to deploy it: SIP looks to be disabled, all good!

Unknown version of CoreDisplay found. ---- BEGINNING MD5 HASH SUMS ---- version: 10.14.5 build:18F132

 otool CoreDisplay: 814fe7a8695f6583d821b5665f6df71a

otool CoreDisplay.bak: 714a9e14ccc64b0cf4bef2f083087d8e CoreDisplay: 9581c3d50658882e79325bcf5f510245 CoreDisplay.bak: d5a2f0272a1197325a65429f06136b04

---- ENDING MD5 HASH SUMS -------

crazyderpygamer avatar May 17 '19 01:05 crazyderpygamer

  714a9e14ccc64b0cf4bef2f083087d8e '10.14.2 (18C54)' 5
  176fcc0d47bcdfb463357c3864bf9bd1 '10.14.4 (18E226)' 5
  814fe7a8695f6583d821b5665f6df71a '10.14.5 (18F132)' 5

  2d71736504e14882b2eb5e994859ec09 '10.14.2 (18C54)'
  cb134eba367695eee1ba01c511121a41 '10.14.4 (18E226)'
  9581c3d50658882e79325bcf5f510245 '10.14.5 (18F132)'

SturdyCat avatar May 27 '19 09:05 SturdyCat

Same here, this is what I am getting:

SIP looks to be disabled, all good!

Unknown version of CoreDisplay found.
---- BEGINNING MD5 HASH SUMS ---- version: 10.14.5 build:18F132

otool CoreDisplay: 814fe7a8695f6583d821b5665f6df71a
otool CoreDisplay.bak: NO FILE (this is okay)
CoreDisplay: 9581c3d50658882e79325bcf5f510245
CoreDisplay.bak: NO FILE (this is okay)

---- ENDING MD5 HASH SUMS -------

born89 avatar May 30 '19 10:05 born89

Thanks @chinacoolboyzz - that edit worked fine with 10.14.5 on my MacMini

jeffjacobsen avatar May 30 '19 16:05 jeffjacobsen

File with contributions from @chinacoolboyzz. Worked great on 10.14.5 iMac. Thanks!



change for debug purposes


for development


Current CoreDisplay md5 Checksum

CoreDisplayCurrent="$(md5 -q $CoreDisplayLocation)"

Current CoreDisplay md5 Checksum of the '(__DATA,__data)' section exported by otool

This makes it possible to detect a patch regardless of the signing certificate

oToolCoreDisplayCurrent="$(otool -t $CoreDisplayLocation |tail -n +2 |md5 -q)"

md5 checksum of '(__DATA,__data)' section exported by otool from unpatched CoreDisplays

for future use of detecting a false patch, where the executible's checksum is changed by codesigning but not the actual code.

oToolCoreDisplayUnpatched=( 49cd8062ed1c8f610b71e9a3231cf804 '10.12 16A254g' 1 8e1030235b90d6ab0644bd7a1b6f9cdb '10.12 16A284a' 1 f4c6e84ffa97e06624e5504edd87bf7d '10.12 16A284a' 1 # I don't know why these two are different 4cba52b41ceee7bc658020c9e58780a3 '10.12 16A294a' 1 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e '10.12 16A313a' 1 aa7607dd72a2a4ca70ce094a2fc39cce '10.12 ' 1 # Sierra 10.12 release 172b7e2fe2e45e99b078e69684dd3c10 '10.12.1' 2 9c717568024daa81c364a839f09a1bfd '10.12.2 and 10.12.3' 3 b7e8464b101f343012ba28cbd2db5ee8 '10.12.4 16E195' 3 54a5a1adfb1225411bacf5c3ee0b4d9a '10.12.5 16F73' 3 9a653ffdfb5e1bcfaa71412000d0b111 '10.12.6 16G29' 3 5f51331dce01f1ced84643f6c996e324 '10.13.2 (17C88) and 10.13.3 (17D47)' 4 6e04ad9d1f2bf43dc01ed92a0ba4b8ac '10.13.4 (17E199)' 4 a273850d90c3cdf39f17ad63ed43203a '10.13.5 (17F77)' 4 714a9e14ccc64b0cf4bef2f083087d8e '10.14.2 (18C54)' 5 176fcc0d47bcdfb463357c3864bf9bd1 '10.14.4 (18E226)' 5 814fe7a8695f6583d821b5665f6df71a '10.14.5 (18F132)' 5 )

md5 checksum of '(__DATA,__data)' section exported by otool from patched CoreDisplays

oToolCoreDisplayPatched=( 4e469fbf1c36d96fc25fb931c6670649 '10.12 16A254g' b6ee4943c2fce505faceb568e1c8f4b1 '10.12 16A284a' 82f97933a3ae90d47054316fa8259f6c '10.12 16A284a' 1371f71ca7949cfbe01ede8e8b52e61d '10.12 16A294a' f9c185d9e4c4ba12d5ecf41483055e39 '10.12 16A313a' eb27b5d68e9fb15aa65ea0153637eae2 '10.12 ' # Sierra 10.12 release cf8373138af4671a561c1a4d6cdba771 '10.12.1' e9d7a42b6613a45a69a41e8099d0e369 '10.12.2 and 10.12.3' ec01e0df5f71699c77bf2650a1c84f4f '10.12.4 16E195' 8b876f14be2bf7b1bfd3f89341bce0f6 '10.12.5 16F73' 6708362921f852600e59e68c3e811eda '10.12.6 16G29' a337a6a85264817d78a90122ebbc2723 '10.13.2 (17C88) and 10.13.3 (17D47)' 11882f5e04a525da6701777c814c920a '10.13.4 (17E199)' b5dd02fe05903d7c39791afc642f9b2b '10.13.5 (17F77)' 2d71736504e14882b2eb5e994859ec09 '10.14.2 (18C54)' cb134eba367695eee1ba01c511121a41 '10.14.4 (18E226)' 9581c3d50658882e79325bcf5f510245 '10.14.5 (18F132)' )

function makeExit { printf "Closing...\n" exit }

function askExit { read -p "Do you want to continue? [Y/n] " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then makeExit fi }

function SIPInfo { printf "Google for 'MacOS System Integrity Protection' to get more info on the subject.\n" }

function help { printf "Using this script without input will patch CoreDisplay if a supported version can be found.\n" printf "Supported arguments:\n" printf "patch [v1-v3]\t patch on a specific version\n" printf "\t\t eg. $(basename $thiscommand) patch v2\n" printf "unpatch\t\t undo patch\n" printf "status\t\t Shows you if you have an known or unknown patch\n" printf "md5\t\t gives all your md5 hashes\n" printf "help\t\t show this help message\n" }

function testSIP { if hash csrutil 2>/dev/null; then if [[ "$(csrutil status | head -n 1)" == "status: enabled (Custom Configuration)" ]]; then printf "SIP might or might not be disabled\n" printf "This script might or might not be working\n" printf "Check "$ csrutil status"\n" SIPInfo askExit elif [[ "$(csrutil status | head -n 1)" == "status: enabled" ]]; then printf "SIP is enabled, this script will only work if SIP is disabled\n" if [[ -z $1 ]]; then makeExit fi

elif [[ "$(csrutil status | head -n 1)" == *"status: disabled"* ]]; then
  printf "SIP looks to be disabled, all good!\n"


function CoreDisplayPatch { testSIP case "$1" in

  1. printf "Patching CoreDisplay with patch version 1\n" sudo perl -i.bak -pe '$before = qr"\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\xF6\xC1\x01\x0F\x85\x05\x04\x00\x00"s;s/$before/\x31\xC0\x90\x90\x90\x0F\x1F\x00\xE9\x06\x04\x00\x00\x90/g' $CoreDisplayLocation sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions printf "Re-signing $CoreDisplayLocation\n" sudo codesign -f -s - $CoreDisplayLocation ;;
  2. printf "Patching CoreDisplay with patch version 2\n" sudo perl -i.bak -pe '$before = qr"\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\xF6\xC1\x01\x0F\x85\x96\x04\x00\x00"s;s/$before/\x31\xC0\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xE9\x97\x04\x00\x00\x90/g' $CoreDisplayLocation sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions printf "Re-signing $CoreDisplayLocation\n" sudo codesign -f -s - $CoreDisplayLocation ;;
  3. printf "Patching CoreDisplay with patch version 3\n" sudo perl -i.bak -pe '$before = qr"\xB8\x01\x00\x00\x00\xF6\xC1\x01\x0F\x85\xAD\x04\x00\x00"s;s/$before/\x31\xC0\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xE9\xAE\x04\x00\x00\x90/g' $CoreDisplayLocation sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions printf "Re-signing $CoreDisplayLocation\n" sudo codesign -f -s - $CoreDisplayLocation ;;
  4. printf "Patching CoreDisplay with patch version 4\n" sudo perl -i.bak -pe '$oldtest1 = qr"\xE8\x37\x02\x00\x00\xBB\xE6\x02\x00\xE0\x85\xC0\x0F\x85\x9C\x00\x00\x00"s;$newtest1 = "\xE8\x37\x02\x00\x00\xBB\xE6\x02\x00\xE0\x31\xC0\x0F\x85\x9C\x00\x00\x00"; $oldtest2 = qr"\xE8\x65\x00\x00\x00\x85\xC0\xBB\xE6\x02\x00\xE0\x0F\x85\xCA\xFE\xFF\xFF"s;$newtest2 = "\xE8\x65\x00\x00\x00\x31\xC0\xBB\xE6\x02\x00\xE0\x0F\x85\xCA\xFE\xFF\xFF";s/$oldtest1/$newtest1/g;s/$oldtest2/$newtest2/g' $CoreDisplayLocation sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions printf "Re-signing $CoreDisplayLocation\n" sudo codesign -f -s - $CoreDisplayLocation printf "Running 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' (Might need a re-run after reboot) - CAN TAKE A WHILE (Maybe even 10/30 minutes)" sudo update_dyld_shared_cache ;;

Version 5 is an experimental patch for Mojave 10.14.1 and 10.14.2 from

  1. printf "Patching CoreDisplay with patch version 5\n" sudo perl -i.bak -pe '$before = qr"\xBB\x01\x00\x00\x00\xA8\x01\x0F\x85"s;s/$before/\x31\xDB\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\xE9/g' $CoreDisplayLocation sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions printf "Re-signing $CoreDisplayLocation\n" sudo codesign -f -s - $CoreDisplayLocation sudo update_dyld_shared_cache ;; *) printf "This patch does not exist, make sure you used the right patch identfier\n" exit ;; esac }

function CoreDisplayUnpatch { testSIP

if [[ -f "$CoreDisplayLocation.bak" ]]; then printf "Moving backup file back in place\n" sudo mv $CoreDisplayLocation.bak $CoreDisplayLocation else printf "No backup found, the patch has either not been applied, or the backup file has been deleted." fi }

function CoreDisplayPrintAllMD5 { echo "---- BEGINNING MD5 HASH SUMS ---- version: $(sw_vers -productVersion) build:$(sw_vers -buildVersion)" echo printf " otool CoreDisplay: $(otool -t $CoreDisplayLocation |tail -n +2 |md5 -q)\n" if [[ -f "$CoreDisplayLocation.bak" ]]; then printf " otool CoreDisplay.bak: $(otool -t $CoreDisplayLocation.bak |tail -n +2 |md5 -q)\n" else printf " otool CoreDisplay.bak: NO FILE (this is okay)\n" fi printf " CoreDisplay: $(md5 -q $CoreDisplayLocation)\n" if [[ -f "$CoreDisplayLocation.bak" ]]; then printf " CoreDisplay.bak: $(md5 -q $CoreDisplayLocation.bak)\n" else printf " CoreDisplay.bak: NO FILE (this is okay)\n" fi echo echo "---- ENDING MD5 HASH SUMS -------" }

function testCoreDisplayPatch { if [[ ! -f "$CoreDisplayLocation.bak" ]]; then echo "Patch failed to run" elif [[ $(otool -t $CoreDisplayLocation.bak |tail -n +2 |md5 -q) != $(otool -t $CoreDisplayLocation |tail -n +2 |md5 -q) ]]; then echo "The code of CoreDisplay changed, the patch was probably successful." else echo "The code is still the same. Patch seemed to run, but was probably for the wrong version." echo "If you are running a new OS, run $thiscommand md5 and ask the maintainer of this script to add support for your system." fi


function test { if [[ ! -z $1 && $1 == "status" ]]; then testSIP "Don't Exit" # Just checking patch status, can do it even if SIP is enabled else testSIP fi

printf "\n" nothingWasFound=true; for ((i=0; i < ${#CoreDisplayUnpatched[@]}; i+=3)); do if [[ $CoreDisplayCurrent == ${CoreDisplayUnpatched[$i]} ]]; then printf "Detected unpatched CoreDisplay on OS X %s.\n" "${CoreDisplayUnpatched[$i+1]}" nothingWasFound=false if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then if [[ $1 == "patch" ]]; then CoreDisplayPatch ${CoreDisplayUnpatched[$i+2]} makeExit fi fi fi done for ((i=0; i < ${#oToolCoreDisplayUnpatched[@]}; i+=3)); do if [[ $oToolCoreDisplayCurrent == ${oToolCoreDisplayUnpatched[$i]} ]]; then printf "(otool) Detected unpatched CoreDisplay on OS X %s.\n" "${oToolCoreDisplayUnpatched[$i+1]}" nothingWasFound=false if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then if [[ $1 == "patch" ]]; then CoreDisplayPatch ${oToolCoreDisplayUnpatched[$i+2]} makeExit fi fi fi done for ((i=0; i < ${#CoreDisplayPatched[@]}; i+=2)); do if [[ $CoreDisplayCurrent == ${CoreDisplayPatched[$i]} ]]; then printf "Detected patched CoreDisplay on OS X %s.\n" "${CoreDisplayPatched[$i+1]}" nothingWasFound=false fi done for ((i=0; i < ${#oToolCoreDisplayPatched[@]}; i+=2)); do if [[ $oToolCoreDisplayCurrent == ${oToolCoreDisplayPatched[$i]} ]]; then printf "(otool) Detected patched CoreDisplay on OS X %s.\n" "${oToolCoreDisplayPatched[$i+1]}" nothingWasFound=false fi done if $nothingWasFound; then echo "Unknown version of CoreDisplay found." CoreDisplayPrintAllMD5 fi }

function options { if [[ $1 == "patch" ]]; then #test if there is a backup file if [[ -f "$CoreDisplayLocation.bak" ]]; then printf "A backup file already exists - If you force this patch on an already patched version you will lose your original backup!\n" printf "Be careful: Having no working version of CoreDisplay requires you to reinstall the OS.\n" printf "It might be wise to undo the patch before trying to redo it using: $thiscommand unpatch\n" askExit fi if [[ -z $2 ]]; then printf "Did not specify patch version\n" makeExit fi case "$2" in v1) CoreDisplayPatch 1;; v2) CoreDisplayPatch 2;; v3) CoreDisplayPatch 3;; v4) CoreDisplayPatch 4;; v5) CoreDisplayPatch 5;; *) CoreDisplayPatch 0;; esac testCoreDisplayPatch exit elif [[ $1 == 'unpatch' ]] || [[ $1 == 'depatch' ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$CoreDisplayLocation.bak" ]]; then printf "There is no backup file, we cannot undo the patch. The patch might have not even been applied.\n" makeExit fi CoreDisplayUnpatch elif [[ $1 == 'test' ]] || [[ $1 == 'status' ]]; then test 'status' exit elif [[ $1 == 'md5' ]]; then CoreDisplayPrintAllMD5 exit elif [[ $1 == 'help' ]] || [[ $1 == '-h' ]] || [[ $1 == '--help' ]]; then help exit elif [[ -z $1 ]]; then test "patch" exit else printf "Option is not valid\n" printf "\n" help exit fi }

Run the script

options $1 $2`

walkthelot avatar Jun 04 '19 16:06 walkthelot

Weird... even without any changes like @chinacoolboyzz suggested, the 10.14.2 patch version still works fine in 10.14.5 - Mac mini late 2012 After patching, with the "experimental" but for me perfectly working V5, this is what I get:

(entering in Terminal) ~/Downloads/CoreDisplay-patcher.command status

SIP looks to be disabled, all good!

Unknown version of CoreDisplay found.. ---- BEGINNING MD5 HASH SUMS ---- version: 10.14.5 build:18F132

 otool CoreDisplay: 72f042e49f26240c9a7ae6d79d057fb7

otool CoreDisplay.bak: 814fe7a8695f6583d821b5665f6df71a CoreDisplay: 3c86fde944e15839ae7d3f0a43e6bf8a CoreDisplay.bak: 9581c3d50658882e79325bcf5f510245

---- ENDING MD5 HASH SUMS -------

Perhaps it is only about the checksums and confirmations that it went well... And I do get some warnings during the patch, but hey... in the end it is all good. :)

basmeyer avatar Jun 06 '19 22:06 basmeyer

Tried this update but also getting the Unknown version of CoreDisplay found. message.

Display still at 30ghz. Any toughts? Running on macbook pro eary 2015

cavallini avatar Jun 17 '19 17:06 cavallini

Just applied chinacoolboyzz edit and can confirm it works on my mini mac 2012

@cavallini Here's a diff file: 10-14-5.patch.txt download it and apply via git apply 10-14-5.patch.txt if you git cloned the repo, or if you downloaded the zip use patch -i 10-14-5.patch.txt CoreDisplay-patcher.command

The run CoreDisplay-patcher.command as normal.

lewisst avatar Jul 14 '19 06:07 lewisst

I am not sure if I am posting in the correct area. I'm very, very new to this. Please reprimand if necessary.

Ive got a Late 2012 Mac Mini running 10.14.6 which I am trying to run two Dell P2421D monitors at 2560 x 1440.

I patched using jsquinter's patch that added 10.14.6 support. One monitor using mini DP to DP works but the other one using HDMI to HDMI does not. I get a black screen though Displays does see the correct monitor. I'm using a brand new 4k@60 High Speed HDMI cable. I believe I patched correctly:

---- BEGINNING MD5 HASH SUMS ---- version: 10.14.6 build:18G103

 otool CoreDisplay: 450241a06a439cd226c9e9cf5cf634d7

otool CoreDisplay.bak: 105051509e563ba96f190ed78a52feb9 CoreDisplay: 21f8ead2882442273a2dba5c9afeb369 CoreDisplay.bak: d4f2aca73c7915c639dbe9a7b9cf5ecd

---- ENDING MD5 HASH SUMS -------

Any ideas?

Eriksen73 avatar Sep 03 '20 18:09 Eriksen73

I have an almost similar setup, although with Benq monitors, but recognise you issue. It drove me nuts and I had to pull all kind of tricks to get it to work when it gave me black screens of death on one of the monitors, till the point I started to set the refresh rate of the DP also to 50 Hz (like the HDMI).

basmeyer avatar Sep 03 '20 22:09 basmeyer

Yeah, that's the thing, I am not as well versed in "coding" as I am sure most of you are so I'm scared of breaking something. Any ideas or suggestions?

Eriksen73 avatar Sep 04 '20 16:09 Eriksen73

No need for coding, with a tool like SwitchResX you simply set the refresh rate 50 Hz. Just create a Custom Resolution and set it to 2560 x 1440, 50 Hz. Then within Current Resolutions select it and also checkmark Desktop in the line. Put this one in Menu at Visible, just for convenience and preventing mismatches.

The Daemon is not needed by the way so perhaps the free version helps you out (not sure, you have to test this yourself, I bought it).

basmeyer avatar Sep 05 '20 12:09 basmeyer


Thanks for the information. It worked exactly as you said. I am up and running!

Eriksen73 avatar Mar 26 '21 19:03 Eriksen73

A that is way better than your pre-edit message! Enjoy!

If your setup ever has a quirky moment and one monitor stays black when it comes out of sleep modus, what I sometimes experience on rare occasions (like every few weeks or so, but sometimes months go by), with me it helps to put the Mac to sleep and wait half a minute and wake it up again.

basmeyer avatar Mar 26 '21 21:03 basmeyer

Oh, you saw that!!?? Ha.

My HDMI was connected in the wrong direction so it was simple user fault! Your instructions were dummy proof because even I was able to follow them. Thanks for the added information. I'll make sure to save this thread.

Also, since Im on Mojave has this patch worked with the next OS? Catalina?

Eriksen73 avatar Mar 27 '21 04:03 Eriksen73

Yes, this patch also works flawlessly on 10.5.7 so go ahead if you would like to use that. Mind that with some major updates you would need to repatch and reboot after, but that is done in minutes.

I have a dual boot setup on a split SSD boot drive (another SSD in the mini for local projects data) but I have to admit that Catalina is just there and I installed it on the 2nd boot partition just to test things. It is just snappy and working fine and very stable. Sometimes I hear the fan of the mini go up but I am not sure if that was a result of an update. The thing is I am stuck with Mojave because of the application of the mini, which is used in a sound studio as a DAW, and a lots of plugins and the sound interface are not working beyond Mojave. Sometimes manufactures stop updating and your just have to deal with it I guess. Anyway, I like the expression that "newer is not necessarily better" and for this particular setup Mojave is just fine. Actually it is doing great, especially thanks to the pixel clock patch and two 24" 2160x1440 IPS screens, which allows the full potential of the mini late 2012. (cannot say it enough - thanks Floris!)

basmeyer avatar Mar 27 '21 16:03 basmeyer

That's good information to know. Thanks.

I'm actually on the other side of the conundrum of updating. I have some financial software that stopped being updated on Mojave and the newest version only works with Catalina. Mojave works just fine currently. Super fast and responsive.

Eriksen73 avatar Mar 29 '21 18:03 Eriksen73