
Results 250 comments of walkor

This month, workman will create a V5 branch and supports [revoltphp/event-loop](https://github.com/revoltphp/event-loop) which supports fiber.

> I wanted to ask if revoltphp's event loop will be supported Yes, workerman v5 will supports revoltphp's event loop. So we can use amphp, reactphp libraries in workerman v5.

Workerman v5 branch already supports `revoltphp/event-loop` which support coroutines. Workerman v5 not released and trying to wait `revoltphp/event-loop`'s first stable LTS release.

`revoltphp/event-loop` use `EventLoop::getSuspension();` create a fiber coroutine. We can suspend it or resume it at any time. In most cases, we do not need to call the coroutine api. Frameworks...

At present, `revoltphp/event-loop` not provide such interface.

> I am getting version errors when trying to install workerman/http-client with workerman ^5.x-dev so not sure if there's a specific way for installation. When I install `workerman/http-client` I manually...

In the same process, swoole and fiber not will not really execute code in parallel. From a certain point of view, they are still serial, but they are scheduled to...

`I assumed you can't use revoltphp/event-loop with ^4.0` Yes, composer info show `revolt/event-loop v0.2.2 ` > No I don't have a db library supporting revolt. I was talking about normal...

Swoole is also an event-loop so workerman can use it .