
Results 250 comments of walkor

@omegaalfa workerman only run on the php command line. Workerman does not rely on Apache, it only relies on php cli. You must start it with command which may like...

@aFluxx Show your command please.

Run command `php start.php status` ``` Workerman[start.php] status ----------------------------------------------GLOBAL STATUS---------------------------------------------------- Workerman version:4.0.27 PHP version:7.4.24 start time:2022-02-20 10:31:22 run 0 days 0 hours load average: 0, 0, 0 event-loop:\Workerman\Events\Event ``` If...

`event-loop:\Workerman\Events\React\ExtEventLoop` means using React's `ExtEventLoop`.

> I will surely wait for revoltphp's integration in Workerman, and how much support we can expect if we integrate Workerman in our framework? Any Github based sponsor options available?...

I have added [opencollective](https://opencollective.com/walkor) to sponsor.

Yes, For example. ```php new Worker('unix:///your/path/of/xx.sock'); ```

Just use stream_socket_client.

I don't know your pressure test logic. Maybe the problem is there.