The file picker window cannot be resized. I'm aware of https://github.com/Jacalz/rymdport/issues/16, however I think not being able to resize goes against user's expectations. Also being forced to close the picker,...
I'm running a worker in docker (```rq worker --url=redis://redis:6379 --with-scheduler --name=worker1```). Now I have a task that looks like this: ``` # tasks.py import logging def f(): logging.log(logging.INFO, "THIS IS...
I have the following scheduled job: ``` job = scheduler.cron( "1 12 * * *", # A cron string (e.g. "0 0 * * 0") func=tasks.myfunc, # Function to be...
Task: ``` def f(): raise Exception("I should not see this!") ``` I run the worker with ```rq worker --url=redis://redis:6379 --with-scheduler --name=worker1 --exception-handler=app.my_exception_handler -d``` and when I enqueue and run ```f()```...
They can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/redshift/pricing/ http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/working-with-clusters.html These instances are unlike any other types.
The docs say that repos are organized in volumes, and volumes contain the actual snapshots. My question is, does deduplication work across volumes? This would allow space saving in the...
* **App build number**: 2.1.3 (21302) * **Android version**: 10 QKQ1.190828.002 * **Device**: Xiaomi Mi 8 I'm running owntracks android client in HTTP mode with remote commands enabled, since I...
Crossplane 1.8.1, jet-aws provider 0.4.2, I wanted to test the convergence behavior, so I created an AWS instance with the following YAML: ``` apiVersion: ec2.aws.jet.crossplane.io/v1alpha2 kind: Instance metadata: name: crossplane-instance...
Although it's a number that can be calculated from existing data, would it be possible to add the information from this document: https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/blob/master/files/eni-max-pods.txt ? Thanks!