Jan Walter

Results 7 issues of Jan Walter

H.P. has an example scene using the **disney** material in his repo: ```sh # repo > grep git ../../.git/config url = https://github.com/hpd/PBRTForMaya.git # test scene > rg disney pbrt_feature_demo_material_disney.pbrt 53:...

I have a test scene which generates **visible triangles** (in the area where the caustics are) while using the "**mlt**" integrator: ![pbrt](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1074865/43155077-ae0b8a76-8f76-11e8-9f91-d1fb5638cb51.png) For the other integrators I haven't noticed those...

It would be useful to be able to specify depth of field (DOF) settings within the Blender scene and use those on the `rs-pbrt` side. For `.pbrt` files those should...

On the Blender Cloud there is a project called [Attic Close-up](https://cloud.blender.org/p/gallery/5697bbf8c379cf44546122f9) (by Gleb Alexandrov). You can download a Blender scene from there. The goal of this issue is to create...


Currently their are some **textures** being linked which are not in the textures folder (yet). There is also a chair being referenced as a **lib entry**, which shouldn't be there....

``` oconv -f materials.rad scene.rad railing.rad grate.rad lhouse.rad > scene.oct rvu -o x11 -vf vf/stage.vf scene.oct ``` ![Radiance view from stage](https://www.janwalter.org/github/img/theater_stage_02.png) Two more Radiance files (**railing.rad** and **grate.rad**) add geometry.

Render missing camera perspectives for **01_simple_room**. Images for Radiance and Arnold are already done. Missing are **cam2**, **cam3**, and **cam4** images for **Indigo**, **Luxrender**, and **Maxwell**.
