Jan Walter

Results 8 comments of Jan Walter

The current Blender scene (using Cycles), which I downloaded from the Blender Cloud, renders like this: ![attic_close_up_cloud](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1074865/138560641-0d59bd04-dd90-4313-aca3-ffd4ca7e223e.png)

The current version of the Blender (2.79) scene does render already via `parse_blend_file`, but the light blocking geometry is not visible yet, because another light blocker (which uses a **transparency...

You can see that both kind of light blockers (geometry vs. texture) are already in the scene if you render via Cycles: ![attic_close_up_v279_cycles_01](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1074865/138561033-3eb90dee-d4a8-49cf-82c3-3714edef4288.png)

Before we can investigate how to store the transparency texture in a Blender (2.79) file (in a way that we can pick it up using the Blender [DNA](https://www.janwalter.org/jekyll/blender/rust/blendinfo/2019/05/28/blend_info.html)), we should...

I had to change the code for triangle meshes (see commit bbadb886d9e43bd6012e6ee6c2e4bd2eb7d12335) to allow the usage of an alpha texture (RGB for now) to hide geometry: ![pbrt](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1074865/138725814-ee2f33cc-9f94-4d0f-99d0-9d322da177cf.png) In a `.pbrt`...

The `focaldistance` we need for `PerspectiveCamera` can be taken directly from `Camera.YF_dofdist`: ```shell $ ./target/release/blend_info -n Camera.YF_dofdist ~/git/self_hosted/render_comparison/blend/italian_flat/italian_flat_v279.blend Camera.YF_dofdist = 0_f32 Camera.YF_dofdist = 0_f32 Camera.YF_dofdist = 0_f32 Camera.YF_dofdist = 0_f32...

From within Blender 2.79 you can access the `aperture_fstop` via Python: ```shell >>> bpy.data.cameras['Camera_Table_Details'].cycles.aperture_fstop 2.0 ```