Wafer Li

Results 13 comments of Wafer Li

This plugin only generate the html structure of the formula. But you need to apply that CSS file to display the correct formula effect.

Nowadays the QR Code Scanning is back by Machine Leaning. Maybe we could use the Google ML Kit Barcode Scaning to replace the zxing

> > Nowadays the QR Code Scanning is back by Machine Leaning. > > Maybe we could use the Google ML Kit Barcode Scaning to replace the zxing > >...

今天解了一下,问题原因在于 407 行 ```java adjAdapterItemCount >= layoutManager.getChildCount() ``` 当条目不满一页时,整个 recycler 的孩子一共有: 1. 顶部的 Loading 2. 条目 3. 底部的 LoadMore 但是 `adjAdapterItemCount` 只包括了条目数量和顶部的 Loading,因此导致上面的这个语句返回 `false` 进而无法触发 LoadMore 因此我们只需要判断最后一个孩子是不是 LoadMore,然后在判断的时候把这个 LoadMore 的计数去除掉就行了。...

嗯…… 看来你应该是做了国内外分流; 的确重定向到 GitHub Pages 了,不过你这个 HTTPS 这么挂着也不太好; 毕竟现在都用 `gfw_whitelist` 了,一些不太知名的域名很容易就走上代理了。

1. 需求描述:支持 ViewPager2 2. 应用场景: RTL 使用场景,如中东地区用户

@tea3 What about https://www.npmjs.com/package/googleapis You could see the related post: https://flaviocopes.com/google-analytics-api-nodejs/

@tea3 I did some investigations about this. There is a [issue](https://github.com/fsevents/fsevents/issues/291) on fsevents repo. It might be the new `node@v13` needs a new `fsevent@v1` binary. And there are no such...

Since now the `hexo-5.0.0` is released, the `chokidar < v3` dependencies is no longer exists. We should now upgrade the `hexo-fs` to get rid of the old `fsevents@v1`

Any updates?