I've successfully pushed some locally built helm chart to harbor private helm registry using below commands: ``` helm registry login private.harbor.com helm push chart-version.tgz oci://private.harbor.com/some-project ``` Now I fail to...
I've encountered issue with conftest while trying to define policy for all helm chart kubernetes manifests for checking that images come from a specific registry Documented it [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73540993/conftest-policy-for-kubernetes-manifests-for-checking-that-images-come-from-a-sp ) I...
I'm using [conftest][1] for validating policies on Kubernetes manifests. Below policy validates that images in StatefulSet manifests have to come from specific registry `reg_url` ``` package main deny[msg] { input.kind...
### CLI Version 5.32.1 Built off spec version 4.145.0 ### Command source BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe ``` ### Expected Behavior empty output and successful sourcing ### Actual Behavior error...
Hi, is it possible to configure command history in MaxAdmin shell and support backspace and arrow buttons? Below is the ouput of MaxAdmin shell when trying to press the above...
`entity.SomeFIeld` has `unique index` index defined. So on insert of entities with the same value of `SomeFIeld`, i'd expect `UNIQUE constraint failed` to be raised. However, for upserts, i'd like...
Link: https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-to-set-up-cloudflare-with-linode/ ## Issue After adding website to Cloudflare, it auto-added CNAME records in proxied status and the website started to show "Error 1016: Origin DNS error" until I removed...