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Conftest Policy for Kubernetes manifests for checking that images come from a specific registry
I'm using conftest for validating policies on Kubernetes manifests.
Below policy validates that images in StatefulSet manifests have to come from specific registry reg_url
package main
deny[msg] {
input.kind == "StatefulSet"
not regex.match("[reg_url]/.+", input.spec.template.spec.initContainers[0].image)
msg := "images come from artifactory"
Is there a way to enforce such policy for all kubernetes resources that have image field somewhere in their description? This may be useful for policy validation on all helm
chart manifests, for instance.
I'm looking for something like:
package main
deny[msg] {
input.kind == "*" // all resources
not regex.match("[reg_url]/.+", input.*.image) // any nested image field
msg := "images come from artifactory"
We have a set of libraries in Konstraint that attempts to tackle this problem. This is an example policy that checks for the latest
tag across container definitions which can come from Pods, Deployments, etc.