Wolfgang Baird

Results 82 comments of Wolfgang Baird

Yeah that would probably be possible.

The problem with this is that then you can not really move the window around unless you're using a window manager.

Okay build 0.3.4 is up : [Download](https://github.com/w0lfschild/winBuddy/raw/master/build/winBuddy.bundle.zip) Edit: 0.3.4 has fix for hiding titlebar on applications with a toolbar

Okay another update is up 0.3.5 : [Download](https://github.com/w0lfschild/winBuddy/raw/master/build/winBuddy.bundle.zip) Should fix not being able to drag windows and fully hiding the title in Finder. All together it will never be ideal...

mySIMBL doesn't load anything into Skype because it used to crash Skype attempting to load anything into it and in recent versions of Skype they block plugins from being loaded.

If you want to use this you have to be using mySIMBL / MacForge. Future updates would be available through those platforms.

Most likely you should just blacklist `com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService` Even though all those apps are different they're most likely using the openAndSavePanelService.

What are your settings? It's working fine for me.


Yes add these keys to the applications plist file ``` winBuddy_ShouldHideMenubar winBuddy_HideShadow winBuddy_HideMenubar ``` All keys should be saved as a number with the value either 0 or 1 winBuddy...