Wolfgang Baird

Results 82 comments of Wolfgang Baird

Are you sure about that? It's definitely working for me. Granted not all bundles are working with the new apps (cDock, colorfulsidebar). I believe some apps have moved to swift...

That's doesn't mean that simbl isn't working though... NotificationClear and RadonChrome are both 100% working on 10.11 via easySIMBL.

@godzfire Dang dude... is it really that hard to read the posts above you.

Yup even with SIP off on 10.11 (15A204h) I'm not having success with anything loading.

@Fofer Because the last step is turning it back on... You only need to turn off SIP to install SIMBL.

Most likely an issue with [afloat](https://github.com/millenomi/afloat/) and not EasySIMBL although it would certainly be reasonable for EasySIMBL to blacklist itself by default to prevent something like this happening.

AirParrot 2 AppCleaner Bartender 2 CodeKit DaisyDisk DockMod FinderPath GridMount Image2Icon LiteIcon Platypus Reflector 2 Übersicht XLD

Probably need to turn off `Apple Mobile File Integrity`. It prevents injection into a few apps of Apples, namely Safari and I believe Xcode.

Interesting, not sure why that's happening. I'll try to look into it at some point.

You mean like light or dark based on the system setting?