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monorepo for Babel / Vue JSX related packages

Results 54 jsx-vue2 issues
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## functional components cannot be converted by using @ vue/babel-sugar-functional-vue in vue2.7.16 ### code ![image](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx-vue2/assets/22749589/648c5c83-efff-4a65-9beb-d5177003f2c3) ### in chrome source ![image](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx-vue2/assets/22749589/07192f5e-af0b-4300-9849-8ae4918c5475) and Error info ![image](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx-vue2/assets/22749589/b76fe42f-278b-4527-88e2-cdca93e26e6d)

I'm getting the following error when using vModel in a JSX/TSX file with the latest version: > Cannot read property 'body' of undefined (babel-sugar-composition-api-render-instance\dist\plugin.js:1:1179) **Packages:** ```js { "name": "vmodel", "version":...

## 问题描述 `.vue` 组件在 `setup() {}` 中返回了 JSX 组件,例如: ```JavaScript defineComponet({ setup() { return () => ok } }) ``` 经过插件编译之后,始终 `const h = this.$createElement` ![image](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx-vue2/assets/40132433/ffdc0ab9-9b50-4b57-8561-3724d1d6ad61) ## Rspack 配置 ##...

HI!✌ I have 2 components. The first looks like this: ```js import { RenderContext, VNode } from 'vue'; import './BaseTitle.sass'; export interface IBaseTitleProps { level: number; } export const BaseTitle...

Hi there. I defined a variable: `columns` in [column-config.js](https://github.com/youthug/jsx-demo/blob/master/src/config/column-config.js) : ```javascript const columns = [ { label: 'First Name', prop: 'firstName', defaultShow: true, minWidth: '180px', // TODO return el-tag formatter(row,...

``` render (h) { return ( )} ``` 以上jsx如果不过滤换行符,会报错: Unterminated string constant 在老版本jsx插件中, 是会过滤掉属性中的换行符,老版本参考: [ [babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx](https://github.com/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx/tree/master) /index.js](https://github.com/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx/blob/6ad7487579094cc188d470171af8f62335193896/index.js#L207)

{listx.map((info, index) => { return ( })} coonst refsX = this.$refs.xxxxRef ; console.log(refsX ) i hope refsX is a list , but it was an object ,why ?

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40685018/233653268-bbd1e08f-dd4e-48fb-a5b5-b1597397a481.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40685018/233653704-0e76a763-37c8-4894-90a0-5779b2b5b106.png)