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monorepo for Babel / Vue JSX related packages

Results 54 jsx-vue2 issues
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{ compositionAPI: true, } 开启时显示只能在setup里才会自动注入h,迁移composition-api过程中会导致历史代码报错。 babelSugarCompositionApiInjectH 是不是不支持babelSugarInjectH的功能?

## Why For custom components(which tag name is not html tag), event binding need to use `nativeOn` but not `on`. So `on` prefix in custom component should transform to `attrs`....

## Why In jsx, event binding use Camel case, such as `onClick`, `onMouseDown`. In HTML Specification, event binding is all lower case, such as `onclick`, `onmousedown`. So for `on` and...

Add support for purge functional jsx construct with `h` be auto injected. eg. ```jsx const compGenerator = (funcRender, customize) => { /* factory for variant components generator */ } const...

[String.prototype.substr()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/substr) is deprecated so we replace it with [String.prototype.slice()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice) which works similarily but isn't deprecated. .substr() probably isn't going away anytime soon but the change is trivial so it doesn't...

Would it be possible to include an actual license file in this repo? Our corporate compliance people object to using packages without license files. I see there is a PR...

There is a table, and the function below is to render a Poptip in the table. and whatever I give the `div` ref or give the `Poptip` ref. when I...