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monorepo for Babel / Vue JSX related packages

Results 54 jsx-vue2 issues
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Native modifier invalided when used with other modifiers. For example: `vOn:click_native_capture`

After enable compositionAPI, The html genreated by functional component(using render) does not included "data-v-xxxxx"。 Btw: I'm using [email protected]。And everything goes right with compositionAPI disabled.

Bumps [http-cache-semantics](https://github.com/kornelski/http-cache-semantics) from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1. Commits 2449650 Update mocha 560b2d8 Don't use regex to trim whitespace b1bdb92 Remove linting package zoo c20dc7e Cache 308 See full diff in compare...


Bumps [decode-uri-component](https://github.com/SamVerschueren/decode-uri-component) from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2. Release notes Sourced from decode-uri-component's releases. v0.2.2 Prevent overwriting previously decoded tokens 980e0bf https://github.com/SamVerschueren/decode-uri-component/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2 v0.2.1 Switch to GitHub workflows 76abc93 Fix issue where decode...


when i use web component slot it is not work with jsx: ![WechatIMG527](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18179784/202963843-909c30fe-9e29-4264-8d51-1bdd4f28b54c.jpeg) ![WechatIMG528](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18179784/202963850-8b1c6769-a934-4cd7-abb3-8f5a91fbda88.jpeg) the `rentcar-module-card` is a web component but when i use the `rentcar-module-card` in a .vue, is...

Bumps [jsdom](https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom) from 13.2.0 to 16.5.0. Release notes Sourced from jsdom's releases. Version 16.5.0 Added window.queueMicrotask(). Added window.event. Added inputEvent.inputType. (diegohaz) Removed ondragexit from Window and friends, per a spec...


[issues 297](https://github.com/vuejs/jsx-vue2/issues/297) I think this MR could do two things. 1. if user defined h variable by himself and init is $createElement or arguments[0], plugin should not inject h agian....

现场: ![根目录babel.config.js](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40513678/190999311-be589d92-b06e-4077-af0f-39758cb45671.png) ![用户定义preset](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40513678/190999377-ad1eb86a-dd29-4364-8a34-a48d15a7e805.png) 结果: 发现插件在render函数或是其他class method里执行了两次,导致babel报错,因为声明了两个h函数。

When Vue normalizeDirectives, it will call `getRawDirName` to get `rawName` that is as the unique key of the directive. `babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx` does not handle it in a correct way. ```javascript function...