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Results 67 create-vue issues
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Is there any plan to implement `vue-cli-service build`? Just like in Vue 2: My actual question is, should I use vue@2 to get access to this feature, or is...

It's very hard to setup a plugin development environment or remove starter codes from a new project every time. You might say there is community templates for this, but it...

Many people like to use the @vue/eslint-config-airbnb rule Allowed to be added when prompt is selected ![image]( ### .eslintrc.cjs ```javascript /* eslint-env node */ require('@rushstack/eslint-patch/modern-module-resolution') module.exports = { root: true,...

Some of the components generated through the CLI could be imported like `@/components/myComponent.vue` instead of using relative import paths.


I want the same thing, but minus all of the starter components and css.

### Description When running Playwright end-to-end testing from [Playwright Test for VSCode](, an error is thrown: ``` Error: Process from config.webServer was not able to start. Exit code: 1 ```...

ESLint v9 has been released and we'll need to change a few things to properly support it. `npm run lint` currently fails to run with eslint v9: ``` ❯ npm...