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Results 67 create-vue issues
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Hi! It would be great if create-vue will be suggest adding husky + lint-staged. Like it was on vue-cli.

Even using `npm create vue@3` doesn't seem to always use the latest version, perhaps it needs to point to some [dist-tag]( instead? Oh man, the behavior of npm/npx here is...

I think it's a useful feature...

### Description If the user picks ESLint, then suggest the ESLint .vscode extension, and add the settings. **settings.json** ``` { "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll": "explicit" } } ``` **extensions.json** ``` {...

As of #442, settings.json is now added when picking Prettier. How about adding the following setting when picking ESLint as well, so that linting is done on save? ``` {...

closed: #408 #185 # TODO List ## Output Template - [x] `pnpm` to v8 - [x] `vue` to v2.7.16 - [x] `node` to 18+ - [x] `vite` to v5 -...

See reasons at and Pending to be fixed ~~Pending to be released~~

Creating a project with typescript and vitest ``` Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework √ Add TypeScript? ... Yes √ Add Vitest for Unit Testing? ... Yes ``` making a...
