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🛠️ The recommended way to start a Vite-powered Vue project

Results 67 create-vue issues
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This is handled here #245

With: ```json { "files": [], "references": [ { "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" }, { "path": "./tsconfig.vitest.json" }, { "path": "./" } ] } ``` Instead of: ```json { "files": [], "references": [...

I want to setup a scaffold for our product. In our case, we frequently create new "module" as npm package. In which, I manually setup almost everything like common dependencies,...



How is this officially "The recommended way to start a Vite-powered Vue project"?! It does create such a project, but before I can _start_ coding my own actual project, I...

Currently, create-vue generates a playwright config that has something like this in it: ```js { webServer: { /** * use the dev server by default for faster feedback loop. Use...

When you generated a project with Cypress E2E and no vitest, you get `tsconfig.cypress-ct.json`, but when you generated a project with Cypress E2E and Vitest, you get no top level...


First off, this may not be a problem with create-vue. It may be a problem in vue itself, or in typescript, or vue-tsc, or somewhere else. It may be related...


I've added a tailwind as an option here, what do you think of this option? ![Screenshot from 2023-04-05 23-10-33]( UPDATE!: I faced an issue when picking the typescript with tailwind...