Vladyslav Shtabovenko
Vladyslav Shtabovenko
The following code cannot be processed by `CellToTeX` ``` CellToTeX[ Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[FractionBox["1", TemplateBox[{"\"(\"", SuperscriptBox[ FormBox[FormBox[StyleBox["k", Bold, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm], TraditionalForm], 2], "\"-\"", RowBox[{"\[ImaginaryI]", " ", "\"\[Eta]\""}], "\")\""}, "Row", DisplayFunction...
It appears that a `TemplateBox` containing a "RowDefault" tag cannot be processed properly. Cf. e.g. this typesetting code from https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/174627/writing-partial-differentiation-in-a-subscript/174630#174630 ``` Derivative /: MakeBoxes[ Derivative[n_Integer?NonNegative, m_Integer?NonNegative][f_], form_ ] := SubscriptBox[...
Executing ``` ChoiceDialog["Make a choice..."] ``` one obtains only ``` MathLink`Synchronized::noshare: -- Message text not found -- ```
This code is not really compatible with fermion fields: https://github.com/FeynCalc/feyncalc/blob/ca803c11325273e39ee1fecb951c6bd9866e74c2/FeynCalc/Feynman/ExpandPartialD.m#L266-L270 Ideas: Check for Dirac indices, introduce dedicated `DataType`s
Here is an example of a factorizing 3-loop integral that cannot be properly graphed ``` FCLoopIntegralToGraph[ SFAD[{{I*p1, 0}, {-m1^2, -1}, 1}]* SFAD[{{I*(p2 - p3), 0}, {-m1^5, -1}, 1}]* SFAD[{{I*(p3 +...
FCLoopApplyTopologyMappings alone is not sufficient to write the given amplitude as a linear combination of GLIs (or products thereof).
FCFeynmanParametrize currently supports only Feynman parametrization. It would be good to have Schwinger, Lee-Pomeransky and Baikov working as well. At least for pure denominator integrals.
This doesn't work ``` PauliTrace[SI[a, b]] // PauliSimplify ``` This sort of works ``` PauliTrace[SI[a, b]] // LorentzToCartesian // PauliSimplify ```
SUNSimplify and SUNTrace require a serious refactoring, since many expressions cannot be simplified straightforwardly, yet after some fiddling with the Explicit and SUNTrace options one can still get the desired...
Tensor decompositions of high rank integrals or integrals with many legs tend to become very large. It is not efficient to load them from text files, as this may significantly...