Prithvi Raj
Prithvi Raj
The autocommand `if ! &bin | silent! %s/\s\+$//ge | endif` is executed at BufWrite on `*.markdown` files. Manual line breaks in markdown rely on trailing spaces, and saving such documents...
For the first version of this feature, we shall assume the following - clients can flush and report partial spans; but not span deltas - `duration` is monotonically increasing -...
Opentracing has some well defined span tags with well defined semantics, which can be set by instrumentation automatically. An example of this is the `HTTP_URL` tag, which is usually set...
## Requirement - what kind of business use case are you trying to solve? - Retrieve large traces - Be resilient against bad instrumentation using same traceID for all traces...
## Requirement We would like to emit gauge updates with floating numbers (e.g. probabilities) ## Problem The gauge interface in jaeger-lib only supports `int64` Implementations like tally, prom, go-kit,...