Victor Petrovykh

Results 41 comments of Victor Petrovykh

I'll see what I can do to highlight type hints better. I guess the starting point would be to at least give them all a scope of their own like...

Could you specify whether you use Sublime Text or Atom? The philosophy of MagicPython has been to actually highlight various _Python_ features (i.e. %- and {}-style formatting, regular expressions and...

Hmm... I've looked at the default SQL grammar that both Sublime Text and Atom seem to be using. The good news is that this particular grammar would not cause problems...

@infininight I understand that generally falling back onto an external grammar can cause issues with string boundaries. It seems that at the moment the only reliable way to use the...

After months of deliberations (believe it or not, we actually talked about this many times) we've come to the conclusion that single-upper-case-letter constants are probably more of an exception that...

We consider something to be a "special constant" if it starts with "enough" (2 or more in this case) upper-case letters. Any leading underscores are ignored for the purpose of...

Every function and method call is marked by `meta.function-call.python` scope, that includes the entire call signature. For every function and method call the *name* is marked by `meta.function-call.generic.python` or by...

Sorry for the lengthy silence here. Oh, the `E85` is a good catch and makes sense. I'll fix that one for sure. As to the `A`, please read the reasons...

So the issue is that something like `E85` is likely to be a constant, but it gets a bit fuzzier with `X1`. Personally I'm inclined to treat `X1` as a...

It's wonderful to see feedback like this, thanks!