Results 38 issues of Scott Vorthmann

I'm pulling J4TS into my project as a Maven dependency, and it works fine* as long as I use JSweet with module=none. If I turn on module=commonjs or module=es2015, the...

I'm opening a pull request just to enable the discussion. THIS PR IS NOT READY TO MERGE, obviously. I've added a test case for issue #732, and confirmed it is...

I'm opening a pull request just to enable the discussion. THIS PR IS NOT READY TO MERGE, obviously. I've added a test case for issue #731, and confirmed it is...

This is a regression, as it was working in 2.3.7. I suspect the default methods in Iterable are the issue, but it is just a guess. Paste this code into...

This is a regression; it worked in 2.3.7. Paste the following code into the [live sandbox]( ```java package org.jsweet; import static def.dom.Globals.*; public class IcosahedralSymmetryPerspective { private String aaa; public...

See the transpiled code for AbstractMap.keyset().size() in j4ts: The code generated for `return AbstractMap.this.size();` is as if it said `return this.size();`, which is obviously recursive.

I'm porting a web component implementation from React (material-ui) to Solid JS. With MUI, I found a workaround to make JSS attach the style elements to the web component's shadow...


I'm attempting to use this candy in my own JSweet app build. I've managed to get the build to not fail utterly in the first phase, but I get the...

The Maven plugin has already exposed this setting, but the Gradle plugin has not. For my purposes, it is essential to allow me to set javaCompilerExtraOptions='-source,1.8,-target,1.8'. I noticed this setting... Change the fragment (lines 18 & 41) to a `...`, and it will start working. The Switch doesn't work unless the parent is a valid Object3D, or something of...