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Cannot use SUID to build web components
I'm porting a web component implementation from React (material-ui) to Solid JS. With MUI, I found a workaround to make JSS attach the style elements to the web component's shadow DOM rather than the document head. No such workaround seems possible for SUID:
This means that only a single web component per page would function, at best... and it appears that styling is broken even in that case within the web component.
Any proposal?
Same problem. can StyledEngineProvider provide an option to modify the location of the added style?
Could you put a link to the emotion/mui docs where it "fixes" this problem?
Here is the snippet I had in my React code, wrapping the main component element with a StylesProvider. This may not be very helpful, as I was still using MUI 4 and JSS, not Emotion.
import { StylesProvider, jssPreset } from '@material-ui/styles';
// We need JSS to inject styles on our shadow root, not on the document head.
// I found this solution here:
const jss = create({
insertionPoint: container
const reactElement = React.createElement( StylesProvider, { jss: jss }, [ viewerElement ] );