Jan Ole von Hartz
Jan Ole von Hartz
Hi, thanks for your great work! I was wondering how to extract actions for other action modes from the [imitation learning example](https://github.com/stepjam/RLBench/blob/35c5ae1ff87750e05131cd336da79ce628425567/examples/imitation_learning.py). Specifically for EE_POSE_EE_FRAME. The observation contains the gripper_pose,...
Hi Marius, when using the CSV-facade, one can specify the CV-folds with an extra CSV file: https://github.com/automl/AutoFolio/blob/f296f528b1b684d36837075b0e8160e3fa4124f7/autofolio/facade/af_csv_facade.py#L27 However, when not doing that, it will call the ASLibScenario without specifying the...
As discussed [here](https://github.com/openai/multi-agent-emergence-environments/issues/21#issue-599672057), the jsonnet version listed in requirements.txt leads to issues. I'd propose to change the requirement. Version 0.15 seems to work for me.
This pull request addresses issue #19 . String vars with a trailing comma are interpreted as tuples. Removing the commas fixes the problems.
For some additional details see discussion below. Updates: - some autoformatting - added some mujoco-envs (walker2d, humanoid) - logging ray.init-kwargs - external ray init option - wandb logging option -...
As discussed in #36, copilot currently does not work with all search engines. In particular, it would be nice if it worked with startpage.com
Hi Stephen, thanks for your continued work on RLBench. And great talk at ICRA this year! Quick question: how to change the simulation time step for demo collection? I've tried...