
Results 16 comments of voidstarstar

I do like the idea of separate apk modules/plugins for microG. This is especially useful for 3rd party dependencies that may be updated far more frequently than microG, that have...

That sounds great! I assume you're referring to [dynamic delivery](https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/dynamic-delivery) and [app bundles](https://developer.android.com/guide/app-bundle/). Do these features require F-Droid to support them? I can't seem to find any info on F-Droid...

For comparison, on my system the pidgin OTR plugin creates the following files: ``` ~/.purple/otr.fingerprints ~/.purple/otr.private_key ``` Even without a GUI, these can easily be edited (the fingerprints are stored...

Also, I've discovered that if I rate limit the messages on the sender end, even by a short amount, then the issue goes away. ``` java Strand.sleep(1); ``` Sleeping for...

See https://github.com/microg/android_packages_apps_GmsCore/issues/631#issuecomment-429013399

According to the [`newChannel`](http://docs.paralleluniverse.co/quasar/javadoc/co/paralleluniverse/strands/channels/Channels.html#newChannel-int-co.paralleluniverse.strands.channels.Channels.OverflowPolicy-boolean-boolean-) method of the `Channels` class: > Some combinations of properties are unsupported, and will throw an `IllegalArgumentException` if requested: > - unbounded channel with multiple consumers...

It looks like the test failed due to integer overflow and underflow. This seems like a bug in the test, so I also pushed a change to exclude these two...

Thanks for the feedback! I just fixed one small bug, but I can't find the bug that you're describing. The static methods are never actually used when creating a `Fiber`...

@disposableme I've actually been working on a proof of concept for using relative ordering. You can find the repository [here](https://github.com/voidstarstar/quasar-priority-example). I've managed to get it working except it would require...

> Actors should not be at all involved with scheduling. Thanks for the advice. I've updated the example repo to no longer require a subclass of `BasicActor` and it therefore...