Lê Bảo Duy
Lê Bảo Duy
Me too ?
> Don't you have a view with a big z-index on top of the buttons that make the clickable area very tight? > > Try removing everything in the modal...
@jeremybarbet. This is demo. Help me :( . Error on Device Android not Simulator https://snack.expo.io/@vnlebaoduy/test-modalize P/s: I try lib "react-native-segmented-control-tab" by TouchableOpacity but it's not working
I found a problem. If Modalize is fullscreen, TouchableOpacity is working, but modalize is not fullscreen, TouchableOpacity is not stable
> Thanks for the snack. As you said it works when the modalize is full screen, but not when it's minimized. > > I'll look at it, when I have...
Thanks @jeremybarbet . It's working.
Hi @jeremybarbet ! We have a problem again, but it's on ios 😂 If i use `import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';` , android is not working ! and i...
My temporary solution ``` import RN from 'react-native'; import RNGH from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; const TouchableOpacity = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? RN.TouchableOpacity : RNGH.TouchableOpacity;
Yes. They are lastest. Can you check expo again ??? . Thanks @jeremybarbet !