@cryptowhizzard If you are still interested in this project, please let me know @PatHoo Great! Which region are you based in?
Which region are you based in? > i want to join
Due to the time limitation, we are going to lock this bounty on 4 contributors. @flyworker @cloudxin @nobsu @PatHoo Bounty duration: Jan 6,2022 - March 6,2022 (3 months) Please attach...
> @vnessasgrt For the sake of security, I hope to get your export public network address and place an order address, so that your deal machine will be allowed to...
Yes, are you interested in this project? @bxs17
assigning this to @flyworker
Hi @flyworker! Please fill and open a [bounty claim]( form and our team will reach out to you upon payments! Thank you!