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[Storage Provider Bounty Issue] Deal processing Storage Provider on Calibration network
This issue is designed as a collaborative project!
- 5 individual contributors (3 from EU/U.S and 2 from Asia) will be chosen as a team assigned for this issue
- Each contributors is required to perform their tasks for 3 months in order to satisfy the requirements of this issue
- The total rewards will be divided for each contributors where each individual contributors will receive $500USD/month
Please leave a comment if you are interested to participate in this bounty issue
1. Proposed issue:
We noticed that since the development increased in deal market, more and more teams test their solution on calibration network. Have storage providers on calibration network will help the ecosystem development.
2. Why is this issue important?
As a ecosystem developer, it is too expensive to testing everything on mainnet, we also want to test the deal working on different lotus versions.
Without the calibration storage provider node, it is hard to perform a low cost testing. It brings the advantage for eco devs:
- Saved time for find a storage provider on mainnet environment
- Early test their projects
- Focus on product instead of infrastructure
- Performance testing
3. Tasks
- Storage providers need to provider as least two versions of lotus miner
latest version latest released version
- Share logs with developers
4. Additional Context
Some extra work may need to be done:
- Reservation system for user access
- Rotate bounties every 3 months for community volunteers
@flyworker Are there more specific requirements, such as the sealing efficiency of SP per day?
Are Venus nodes allowed to participate? Current venus-market is compatible with Lotus wrt deals.
Also what is "Reservation system for user access"? Does that mean we need to provide access to our provider to 3rd party?
@dayou5168 For FilSwan we do not do performance testing on calibration, it is more for functional test, so 2 deals per day is good enough. For other projects they may have different requirement.
@Fatman13 We are using standard lotus so if it is compatible with lotus command it should be fine,.
@flyworker How long are deals expected to live for?
maybe one week? we dont need it stay long, since it is only used for UAT(user acceptance test)
I am interested in this one, however when I have to put some hardware up and storage I guess the reward of 500 usd per month Is a bit on the low side.
I want to join it.
@cryptowhizzard If you are still interested in this project, please let me know @PatHoo Great! Which region are you based in?
@cryptowhizzard If you are still interested in this project, please let me know @PatHoo Great! Which region are you based in?
Canton China
i want to join
Which region are you based in?
i want to join
@vnessasgrt yes I am still interested.
I want to participate . The location is China
t024557 , 32GB is online now for NA-EAST region
@flyworker the program has started?
t025478, 32 GB is now online for EU-West ( Amsterdam ).
t019411 , 32GB is online now for NA-EAS region
Due to the time limitation, we are going to lock this bounty on 4 contributors. @flyworker @cloudxin @nobsu @PatHoo Bounty duration: Jan 6,2022 - March 6,2022 (3 months) Please attach your Miner ID to confirm the progress of this project.
@vnessasgrt For the sake of security, I hope to get your export public network address and place an order address, so that your deal machine will be allowed to access in my security group, and the provider will only receive your orders
@vnessasgrt For the sake of security, I hope to get your export public network address and place an order address, so that your deal machine will be allowed to access in my security group, and the provider will only receive your orders
Calibration nodes should be accessible to our community members since it is a test for the community and not for one particular entity.
OK, you can send the order
32GB,in Singapore, Node is coming soon
Miner: t029862 (32 GiB sectors), in Canton, IP-Port:
hkc@NODE-091:/data-u2/FIL$ lotus state miner-info t029862
Available Balance: 3.587788923723298021 FIL
Owner: t029859
Worker: t029859
PeerID: 12D3KooWHVsJzA9hmHUjtnfMXxxKMXs3iUKPqJMKkFjbErzb5Cym
Multiaddrs: /ip4/
Consensus Fault End: -1
SectorSize: 32 GiB (34359738368)
Byte Power: 0 B / 1.599 PiB (0.0000%)
Actual Power: 0 / 2.23 Pi (0.0000%)
Proving Period Start: 582525 (6 hours 2 minutes ago)
hkc@NODE-072:/data-u2/FIL$ lotus-miner storage-deals get-ask t029862
Price per GiB/Epoch Verified Min. Piece Size (padded) Max. Piece Size (padded) Expiry (Epoch) Expiry (Appx. Rem. Time) Seq. No.
0.0000000005 FIL 0.00000000005 FIL 256 B 32 GiB 1581956 8322h34m0s 0
32GB,in Singapore, Node is coming soon
lotus client query-ask t030087 Ask: t030087 Price per GiB: 0.0000000005 FIL Verified Price per GiB: 0.00000000005 FIL Max Piece size: 32 GiB Min Piece size: 256 B
t024557 is working Adjusted Power: 2.7188 TiB Price (GiB/epoch): 0.000000001000000000 FIL Score ?: 96 Max Piece Size: 32.0 GiB Price (32GiB/year): 0.016819199999999999 FIL Status: Active Min Piece Size: 256.0 Byte Verified Price (GiB/epoch): 0.000000000050000000 FIL Location: North America Auto Bid: Yes Heart Beat: Online
@vnessasgrt I have never received your order, my calibration network miner number is f019411
Is f019411 a mainet id? I think testnet should start with 't'
It's from the test network. It doesn't distinguish whether it starts with 'f' or 't'. Miner information can be queried