
Results 9 comments of vmkalbskopf

If I try compile the current state of the master branch, will I be able to use zenmap on Ubuntu 20.04?

This bug was closed but I'm still getting the error. How have you gotten past this?

This bug appears when I specify a rule. If I don't use -j, the rule doesn't actually run but I don't get the error.

I am running the 1.61 beta, and this is still a problem.

> ssh-keygen -t rsa -m pem This did not work for me. I still get the same error.

According to the README, I believe only Nvidia GPUs are supported for profiling.

> It seems to be just working fine, been using it on mobile myself for a while now - if you notice any specific problems with it please open a...

Thanks. That explains why I don't see it in the extension site.