Volodymyr Linevych
Volodymyr Linevych
I am interested in this feature as well 👍
Похоже проблема все еще актуальна, ``` mac os x perl v5.18.2 VK-App-0.12 Thread-Pool-Simple-0.25 JSON-2.90 File-HomeDir-1.00 LWP 6.05 LWP::Protocol::https 6.04 vmd last commit: 45886cf45dde3ae102ca403b6b427f1b7ed9d898 ``` ``` ./vmd.pl --login '[email protected]' --password 'mypwd'...
I've found an [example of slo alert](https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-operator/blob/main/examples/datadogmonitor/slo-alert-monitor-test.yaml), but the problem is that it requires `slo-hash-id` in the query. For burn rate alert the query would be something like this: ```...
I would love to have the nested notebooks as well, but I'm afraid @enchant97 explicitly stated that it's not going to be implemented: https://github.com/enchant97/note-mark/issues/47. The original message says "unlimited nesting"...