Valentin Knabel

Results 44 comments of Valentin Knabel

Currently Windows is not supported, but if you wish I can give it a try. Though it may take a while. According to the problem on Windows seems to...

@jinmingjian Thanks I got it to work on macOS 🎉 @rolandleth I needed to compile it manually. ```bash $ mkdir swift-sources && cd swift-sources # Probably other swift versions will...

@fwgreen You are using the docker container, right? Did you execute `which sourcekitd_repl` in `docker run bash` or so? I guess the problem is that only your docker has `sourcekitd_repl`,...

@sntdevco Swift currently does not run on Windows. Maybe it will work using Docker. (Windows supports Docker now, right?) You could try to install Docker and thereafter set `swift.path.sourcekiteDockerMode`, but...

@JustinMoser you have installed my fork of this repository. I moved your issue to the new location.

The easiest way probably is to use the SwiftPM and generating the xcodeproj. `$ swift package init --type executable` Then adding Commandant as dependency. At the end just run `$...

Hi @takahser. Thanks for your report. Unfortunetly the `p`-tag comes from [marked]( and thus cannot be removed. As a workaround you could set a class on your `span` to inline...

@steveblue Do you currently have problems using `conclurer/markdown-to-html-pipe`?

@steveblue we will migrate to the package format once problems occur.