Valentin Knabel

Results 44 comments of Valentin Knabel

@steveblue I am sorry for closing this issue, but I didn‘t know of the closure compiler compatibility problems or any benefits adopting the package format. Now as I know of...

`xcodebuild` produces a lot of output and `shellOut` tries put all that output into one single Swift string if I am correct. I did not test the following code, but...

Glad to hear the memory issue is fixed. You probably need to manually flush stdout. The API might have changed, but you could try this workaround For better readability...

I made a few concepts. What I haven’t tried yet: using the puffer as mask on top of neon light bars in different colors.

There are a few steps involved to actually change the icons. In case you need help, don't hesitate to ask. What has to be done here: In the profile sheet...

Reduced the problem. Now every device receives each notification at most once. Though users still receive messages after logout.

That's sad to hear. As I don't have access to a windows system, I am unable to test your use case. Could you explain what doesn't work for you? As...

Hi @tetraoxygen, thanks for your feedback. Did you delete `Tests/WorkInModelTests/WorkInModelTests.swift`?

This issue takes a little bit more effort as SwiftLint has no direct access to the files. Configs and the FS is not available. Probably the extension on the live...

Huh, that's weird. In theory using the extension should have no impact on the quality of formatting. Eventually it picked up the wrong version of the formatted from an unexpected...