Vítor Galvão

Results 115 comments of Vítor Galvão

> I got an error message from the system (not from Alfred) saying that the file will not work anymore because it is not going to be updated for the...

Getting favicons and associating them with the correct tab isn’t easy, unless you download them yourself which is quite slow.

For this to be possible, Apple would have to have implemented AppleScript support for querying tab groups, which they did not. The request needs to be directed at them, via...

Pinboard’s API is based on [Delicious](https://del.icio.us/)’, even the things that don’t make much sense. ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1699443/24505975/d98d772a-1553-11e7-93ec-59334990d237.png) Since delicious is free, that might be the easiest way to convert the tutorial to...

> consolidating all the Homebrew/homebrew-cask-* taps There’s four: main, versions, drivers, and fonts. I’d say it makes sense for fonts to remain separate. Versions and drivers could be merged into...

> Probably because there are about 2000 font casks out there, mostly pulled from Google Fonts automatically. It would operate better standalone. Pretty much. The repo has specific requirements (SVN)...

Note that installing `svn` happens *once **ever** per machine*. It is at worse a minor inconvenience which might not be worth it if it significantly complicates the code. Alternatives: *...

I’m also interested in this. I don’t want to configure `hub` when I need it to work and it stops because it asks for information, that’s akin to game consoles...

Please avoid “me too” posts. We’re already aware this is a problem; replies stating “this also happens to me” without extra information don’t bring us closer to a resolution.

> It would be nice if the error message could suggest this as a remedy. There are multiple problems caused by the same underlying issue; adding workaround messages to all...