Vítor Galvão

Results 115 comments of Vítor Galvão

> What could I do to further debug this issue? There’s no one else with this issue right now. Because it redirects to Dropbox and is inconsistent, there’s a strong...

> Doesn't `macvim` also have a similar problem? Unless I’m missing something, the macOS builds we have in the cask are officially provided by the macvim devs.

Those are different matters, though. What’s important to this issue is that we’re distributing a cask from a source that upstream presumably doesn’t check. We have no idea if they...

> FYI `mpv`'s [installation page](https://mpv.io/installation/) now also has a link for [nightly builds](https://github.com/jnozsc/mpv-nightly-build) which will be much more up-to-date. But that’s just another random user who runs their script who...

> Idea out of left-field Smart idea, but I have no idea if it’s feasible at all. I suspect it might not be without bending over backwards. > Or, @vitorgalvao...

> It's indeed a bit of a tricky build process. Currently I cannot script much for my build, and need to involve a few manual contortions that slightly change with...

> created a [custom formula](https://github.com/miccal/homebrew-miccal/blob/master/Formula/m-mpv.rb) to install the HEAD version that builds the `app` bundle. Looks to be the same as mine, so we’re duplicating work. Mine is [auto-updated](https://github.com/vitorgalvao/homebrew-mpv/blob/master/update-formula) from...

@carlocab I absolutely agree with your logic. However, there is the limitation that Homebrew formulae cannot place files outside their directory. Note how I need to move the app bundle...

> Isn't there a `brew linkapps` for this kind of problem? Does it solve it? Really asking. One issue I faced way back when was that macOS didn’t see the...

I’m not a user of this software, but this [is being submitted to Homebrew Cask](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/pull/78920/files) and I was interested in the self-signing approach. Self-signed certificates are not meant to be...