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Results 600 vite issues
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### Describe the bug I am having this issue in my app since upgrading to Vite 3. After build, I found that image path in xx-legacy.[hash].js is __VITE_ASSET_[hash]__ and I...

plugin: legacy
p4-important :exclamation:

### Describe the bug If `index.html` includes ``, the dev html hook is going to replace src by `/test/main.js` (which will 404) whenever the URL is different from `/` (e.g....

p3-minor-bug :hammer:

### Describe the bug If you have an entry point that exports anything e.g. ``` import './other.ts' export const a = 'hello'; ``` and another file that imports from the...

pending triage
p3-minor-bug :hammer:

### Describe the bug when i use yarn berry and set `enableGlobalCache: true`. i got an error look's like this: ``` X [ERROR] Could not resolve "./C:/Users//AppData/Local/Yarn/Berry/cache/.zip/node_modules/.js" ``` it's maybe...

windows only
pending triage ```js import json from "./foo.json" assert { type: "json" }; ``` Vite should support import-assertions because it has entered stage 3.

p2-nice-to-have :cake:

### Describe the bug ```css @import 'layers.css' layer(demo); ``` where `layers.css` contains: ```css h1 { color: red; } @media (min-width: 100px) { h1 { color: green; } } ``` incorrectly...

bug: upstream
feat: css

### Describe the bug I'm migrating one of our projects at my company to Vite from CRA, and I see the following error in the console when I navigate to...

p2-has-workaround :cake:

### Describe the bug Vite HMR breaks when modifying React context provider Related: ### Reproduction [selrond/vite-react-usecontext]( "selrond/vite-react-usecontext") ### System Info Output of `npx envinfo --system --npmPackages vite,@vitejs/plugin-vue --binaries --browsers`:...

feat: hmr
p3-minor-bug :hammer:
plugin: react

### Description Hi, I think it's a common occurrence that libraries provide multiple entrypoints, so it would be nice if Vite's library mode supported this scenario. Since rollup does the...

needs rebase
feat: library mode
p2-to-be-discussed :cake:

### Describe the bug I am using Vite in a project using `@sentry/react`, and when I `vite build` the project with a `--mode` other than `production` it fails with the...

p2-has-workaround :cake:
plugin: react