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Results 600 vite issues
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### Description fix: #9371 I don't think it's necessary to replace `reactAlias.createElement/Fragment` with `React.createElement/Fragment` before transform to jsx, which results in a lot of edge cases. We can just use...

p2-has-workaround :cake:
plugin: react

### Describe the bug I'd like to extend a re-usable `tsconfig.json` (e.g, When adding the option `"extends": "@tsconfig/recommended"` to my `tsconfig.json` inside a Vite project (using vite's react +...

bug: upstream

### Description Reduces use of unnecessary querySelector use. ### Additional context It is faster to read DOM once. --- ### What is the purpose of this pull request? - [...

### Description If a plugin logs something to the console, the logs are destroyed as soon as the welcome text appears... ``` VITE v3.0.0 ready in 243 ms ➜ Local:...

p2-to-be-discussed :cake:

### Describe the bug [Some tags are optional in HTML]( For example, ``, `` and ``. The closing tag of `` can be omitted. A body is started implicitly when...

bug: upstream
feat: html
p3-minor-bug :hammer:

### Describe the bug # description I'm using `antd` in `ssr` mode, everytime startup vite devServer, it took about 40s to start. I've debug `vite` source code in local, and...

pending triage

### Description The latest version of esbuild has supported React 17's automatic JSX transform, see Is it possible to drop `babel` related packages now? It looks like there will...

enhancement: pending triage
plugin: react

### Description fix #6007 Introduce `__vite-optional-peer-dep` prefix (similar to `__vite-browser-external) for packages that are optional peer dependencies. ### Additional context Since knowing optional peer dep requires traversing the parent for...

p3-significant 🔨

### Description fix: #9363 Both __source and __self are automatically set when using the automatic runtime. So we should avoid transform a `ReactElement` containing `__source` or `__self` props to jsx....

p2-has-workaround :cake:
plugin: react

### Describe the bug With Quasar I'm using the `@quasar/vite-plugin v1.1.1` and the plugin property `autoImportComponentCase: 'pascal'` When using this in combination with a `template lang=pug` and `style scoped` I...

pending triage