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Results 600 vite issues
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### Describe the bug I am using React with Vite 3 and `@vitejs/plugin-react` together with [`@headlessui/react`]( It worked fine with Vite 2.x, and a few days ago Vite 3 was...

p2-has-workaround :cake:
plugin: react

### Describe the bug vite and docker dont seem to work well together every time i develop with both the browser reloads every minute. The browser reloads up to five...

help wanted

### Description fix #3924 relate #6301 close: #6044 IIUC, the test case provided by #6044 will not get the expected results originally. But this test case exposes another problem. When...

feat: css

### Describe the bug Vite inject "/@vite/client" script element above importmap element. causing error in console "An import map is added after module script load was triggered." ![image]( ### Reproduction...

p3-minor-bug :hammer:

### Describe the bug As the title says, when I include ant-design-vue, in my tests, it takes about 41.13s, which is very, very slow. ![image]( A reproducible project: , in...

feat: deps optimizer

### Describe the bug When writing a library using vite "library mode," the output is expected to be tree-shakeable regardless of where it is consumed. When consumed by vite, things...

pending triage
feat: library mode

### Describe the bug If we import something from symlink and the importee is ts file. We counter a such error: ``` failed to load config from /Users/zheeeng/Workspace/foo/bar/baz/vite.config.ts error when...

contribution welcome

### Description Add a new `preCloseBundle` hook to allow run build plugins hooks between Rollup `writeBundle` and `closeBundle` hooks. **EDIT**: we need it also in Vite 2 :pray: . I...

### Describe the bug vite 3.0.2 writes imports to bundle incorrectly, but vite2 works fine: **main.js** ```js import _asyncToGenerator from "@babel/runtime-corejs3/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator"; console.log(_asyncToGenerator); ``` **build command:** ```sh vite build --ssr main.js...

pending triage

### Clear and concise description of the problem Vite's some internal plugins uses the internal helper function `fileToUrl`, which emits asset file to dev-server/bundle and return a URL for using...

enhancement: pending triage
p2-to-be-discussed :cake: