Static Variable
Static Variable
What exactly are the perception test for, to find hidden exits or other things? If it is for hidden exits, maybe we can implement a search command instead (with timers),...
In another mud, there was a command, like this: allow _action_ from _player_ maybe something like allow mindlink from player?
also allow healing from X (mages don't like to be healed i think) allow magic from X ( not sure if people ever complain if a spell is cast on...
Not the best example, but something easy to show In ACMD(do_reload), line 1436 could probably be replaced by two iterators. Iterator weapon = Iterator.findObj(ch).rule(RULE_OBJ_TYPE, ITEM_GUN_AMMO); for(;weapon.hasNext(); { // Do something...
Adding pseudocode here for discussion purposes. Search weaponIt = Search .select(TYPE_ITEM) .from(world[ch->in_room].contents) .where() .condition(OBJ_VALUE, 0) .condition(OBJ_WEAR_TYPE, WEAR_WIELD); Search ammo = Search. .select(TYPE_ITEM) .from(world[ch->in_room].contents) .where() .condition(OBJ_TYPE, OBJ_AMMO) Search weapon_and_ammo Search .select(OBJ_PAIR)...
Just realized that there may be a better solution, inside addnode function, it may be best to get parentNode by id that is being passed in node parameter. That way...
Made a fix for the calculation, will submit a PR for it. Long story short: Zero thickness items were return NaN for the armor values. Now they should return 0....