with xcode 4.6.2 and montain lion 10.8.3 i cannot compile this addons. the error is in this method: of_v0.7.4_osx_release/addons/ofxMacamPs3Eye-master/src/macam/Sensor.m:90:21: Unexpected type name 'register_array': expected expression - (int) setRegisterArray:(struct register_array *)...
when use _{_ or _"_ inside getRequest to send after _?_ a json i have this error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in query at index
this is error when i write in console: python File "", line 3, in omx = OMXPlayer('/home/pi/Desktop/condivisa/basagliasx/menu.mp4') File "/home/pi/Desktop/condivisa/pyomxplayer-2/", line 35, in **init** video_props = self._VIDEOPROP_REXP.match(self._process.readline()).groups() AttributeError: 'NoneType' object...
the tweets doesn't arrive in real time and if i use in tracks not common words doesn't find nothing in the stream and disconnect after few minutes