ofxMacamPs3Eye copied to clipboard
cannot compile buil failed sensor.m
with xcode 4.6.2 and montain lion 10.8.3 i cannot compile this addons. the error is in this method:
of_v0.7.4_osx_release/addons/ofxMacamPs3Eye-master/src/macam/Sensor.m:90:21: Unexpected type name 'register_array': expected expression
(int) setRegisterArray:(struct register_array *) array { while (array->bus != register_array::END_OF_ARRAY) { if (array->bus == register_array::CONTROLLER_REGISTER) { [controller setRegister:array->reg toValue:array->val]; } else if (array->bus == register_array::SENSOR_REGISTER) { [self setRegister:array->reg toValue:array->val]; } else { return -1; } array++; }
return 0; }
I'm getting this too at the moment, with Xcode 5, OSX 10.8.3, and the latest code from master. Any ideas?
EDIT: For me, this error only shows up when adding the addon to an existing project. I've added the correct header search paths, but no luck. Starting with a fresh project works fine.
Same here. The error only shows for me when manually adding the addon the to existing project instead of using the project generator. strange stuff...