Vincent QB, PhD

Results 16 comments of Vincent QB, PhD

Yes, either stripping or commenting out the non-code content would do. The latter option is what ipython nbconvert does when converting to code. For the flag, how about "--to code"...

What I'm seeing is different: the lines to be removed are solid dark red: ![gitedit](

~/.vimrc ``` call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Plug 'cormacrelf/vim-colors-github' call plug#end() colorscheme github ```

Thanks! The following works, though I get a gray background behind the red/green text. ``` call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Plug 'cormacrelf/vim-colors-github' call plug#end() " set Vim-specific sequences for RGB colors set termguicolors...

Without tmux, I get your image. With tmux, I get a gray background for the modified text as show in image here, but still readable. :) ![gitedit_tmux](

Transforms and functionals are now jitable. Have you tried exporting your model using jit and then importing on mobile? see [mobile page]( Is that what you are trying to do?

Indeed, fft is not currently supported on pytorch mobile, as mentioned [here](

@dreiss @supriyar -- do you have some information to share about the functions that are supported within mobile, or the ones that would welcome contributions from the community?

> We enable every forward CPU op on mobile. I think the issue here is that this particular op doesn't have a portable implementation. We would be interested in a...

Thanks for opening an issue for this :) This is an issue upstream with pytorch directly, see pytorch/pytorch#31317. @houseroad, do you know the status of STFT support with ONNX? We...