Vincent Arel-Bundock

Results 352 comments of Vincent Arel-Bundock

> I don't get the discussion about the ellipses I think Dominique brought up the ellipses in response to my code with `marginaleffects::datagrid` which uses a different user-input style, based...

Yes, the lazy choice would be to leave it in `modelbased`, but I agree that `datawizard` would be a more intuitive landing spot. > `visualization_matrix()` coerces to factor to create...

Scratch my comment about `insight` factor attribute. It won't always be there in `visualisation_matrix`

I'm not sure I understand the use-case very well. Perhaps if you want to port existing code to Zelig that would be helpful. But the cost of changing a few...

Thanks for the report, but I'm not sure about some of these. * "Korea, Democratic Republic of" is picked up properly by the latest version of the package (install from...

Also, you might want to look into the `custom_match` argument.

I see. Is that a common form? And how would you modify the regex? `dprk|d.p.r.k|korea.+(d.p.r|dpr|north|dem.*peo.*rep.*)|(d.p.r|dpr|north|dem.*peo.*rep.*).+korea`

good to know. I just tried googling the expression in quotes, and can't really find other instances. I think I'll leave this issue open for future consideration, but not do...

What's your view on abbreviations? Should those be countrycode's responsibility? I suppose we could make it countrycode's responsibility, but slippery slope, etc.