Vincent Arel-Bundock

Results 354 comments of Vincent Arel-Bundock

sounds great, thanks. I do think the observation status is super cool.

Closing this now since I don't think we had anything concrete planned. Feel free to open new issues if you have specific feature requests or ideas. Thanks!

This seems like a good thing overall. Two questions: 1. How can we be as explicit as possible w.r.t. tibbles? 2. Is it desirable to output data in the same...

That all sounds very good. I've now dog-fooded the package a fair amount, and I'm thinking about preparing a release for CRAN using the major improvements we've implemented. Do you...

My thinking on this has evolved. I now believe that we should *not* convert inputs automagically, but that we should rather build in input checks and exit gracefully with a...

You can do: ```r predictions(mod, vcov = "satterthwaite") ```

In principle, I could add an option to do `type="prediction"`. However, I must admit that I am not super familiar with what `insight` does to get prediction intervals. In particular,...

I'm not sure he was too involved with the `get_predicted()` function... I could look into this myself, but I don't really have time right now unfortunately.