WhiteSur-gtk-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WhiteSur-gtk-theme copied to clipboard

MacOS Big Sur like theme for Gnome desktops

Results 119 WhiteSur-gtk-theme issues
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Hello, is there a way to have/change the color of objects and the menu items (characters) in white because the default used color is not is not very visible in...

When i play for example music in Totem, there are square corners in the background on the bottom: ![Bildschirmfoto vom 2021-02-01 18-19-20](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48978558/106493995-26a56400-64ba-11eb-84aa-5af856255eb4.png) When there is nothing played in Totem the...

When viewing a file in the hex editor GHex, the cursor which is normally blueish is completely transparent.

Hello @vinceliuice, there's a lot of very old issues (2-3yr) which nobody had responded to. Would it be useful to add the GitHub Stale bot to clean old issues not...


Distro: **Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS x86_64** Once installed, the theme overrides the "app launcher" icon (view-app-grid.svg). If I change icon pack with e.g. GNOME Tweaks, all the icons change to the...


Hi please add a weather extension in the calendar hovers popup, it will make it much more consistent like you did it in fluent theme! ![Screenshot from 2022-01-05 15-24-12](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/28388650/148197836-ff5e8c73-8347-4ad1-b92c-19895185681b.png)


My Top bar is not transperent in PopOS 21.10 gnome 40

Hi, SUSE SLED 15.3 = Leap 15.3 Gnome 3.34.7 ![Skærmbillede fra 2021-11-01 17-18-32](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/71781462/139705158-4effcf8c-732a-4411-8360-c16d53791efe.png) What is the minimum Gnome Version you support? regards Christopher


When using the solid theme, the tooltip on `metacity` is covered with a black layer, which I noticed is caused by this [line](https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme/blob/a0625649fbea0ed68ce51ed6f50c322103d29e66/src/sass/_colors.scss#L138). Is there a context that makes you...


would be nice to have the windows-close icons the same colour as the themes
