WhiteSur-gtk-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WhiteSur-gtk-theme copied to clipboard

MacOS Big Sur like theme for Gnome desktops

Results 119 WhiteSur-gtk-theme issues
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The loading wheel is very large in several areas of the system, it occurs in GNOME 40 and GNOME 41(Fedora and Ubuntu). ![Captura de pantalla de 2021-11-12 13-17-25](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/94090066/141522724-8981d92b-dc71-4a58-bd32-372a43ed0ef8.png) ![Captura de...

Hi All, I'm a great fan of the current WhiteSur-gtk-theme, and I think all of you did a great job. However, I was wondering if the firefox theme could be...


Hey Folks! It's my first time requesting an idea in the project... So lets go! About the icon for activities: I don't use the default for Debian. I'm using this...


## I would love to see the GNOME Shell Panel style from your Orchis theme in WhiteSur :smiley: ![Orchis Shel Panel](https://github.com/vinceliuice/Orchis-theme/raw/master/images/tweaks-view.png?raw=true)


The line above the window title got compressed after downloading the latest release, and with some apps that have short names the line doesn't exist at all. ![Screenshot from 2021-07-21...


I've found about this extension yesterday, and I don't know if it is possible but, can we integrate this with Firefox Monterey theme? [They have a GitHub page](https://github.com/dguo/color-tailor) and a...


it would be nice if there was a margin on both sides of the dash to dock, so when i dont have it on auto-hide, that there will be a...

Hi everyone :) I've installed this GTK theme yesterday, as well as the `Dash to Dock` tweak. The Dash to Dock theme is working as expected, the only issue I'm...

Firefox titlebar pleacment dont work. If i do it with Tweaks it dont work for firefox

I am using Xubuntu 20.10 and in several applications (for example, the default settings app) the text in the buttons appears offset to the top, being very frustrating. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11182458/111082090-bcdf9780-8506-11eb-9857-64c6c40e5bae.png) I...