WhiteSur-gtk-theme icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WhiteSur-gtk-theme copied to clipboard

MacOS Big Sur like theme for Gnome desktops

Results 119 WhiteSur-gtk-theme issues
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# System Details Report --- ## Report details - **Date generated:** 2024-03-08 23:23:27 ## Hardware Information: - **Hardware Model:** Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. B460M DS3H AC-Y1 - **Memory:** 16.0 GiB...


I love the GDM theme, but when I install it using `sudo ./tweaks.sh -g` it changes the default font in the top status bar. Can you please add an option...


Instead of having the yellow, green and red window buttons, is there a way I can set them to be all the same color in adwaita style? Just like ubuntu's...


The text color of the app names in the actiity overview screen are blue, making it very difficult to read: ![Screenshot from 2024-04-12 11-52-11](https://github.com/vinceliuice/WhiteSur-gtk-theme/assets/113025934/97e6150d-e5ab-461b-b2fa-cddafbd0be2e) I am using Zorin pro 17.1,...


Hello Everyone, How do I change the top panel font size? On a HiDPI monitor, the fonts are way too small. I have found all the posts stating to use...


Thank you very much for your WhiteSur GTK Theme! Below under the spoilers are a few problems and possible solutions. Tested on Debian 11 «Bullseye», DE Cinnamon 5.2.7. Problem 1...


This may seem like an odd request. I like dark (solid) themes but it can be difficult sometimes to see the edges of certain windows and dialogs because the "drop...
