Viktor Sarström
Viktor Sarström
Currently [scoped slots]( in our project, but we have come across when having multiple slots on the same component. This is an example we are using it at the moment:...
When creating a hubConnection, everything works fine but after doing connection.start, the transportlogic.getUrl messes up the url as you can see in the following image. [Screenshot from dev tools]( This...
Getting alot of complaints that certain actions blink on call to actions, replace touchableopacity with pressable to avoid this
Tiny-slider has a good, but a bit complex way of setting responsive options. We need a better way to handle this.
### What change does this PR introduce? Duplicate identical IUpdateSubscriberPreferencePayload inside subscriber.interface.ts. ### Why was this change needed? While trying to investigate how Novu works, we stumbled upon this. Found...
## Description As described in this ticket, Axios is not supported (and I don't think it will in any time near future) and you cannot use this library on an...
I am loading the stream and then traversing the stream using cheerio which breaks stuff that isnt HTML (#22, #14). Need to remove that dependancy and write tests (#11). After...