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Axios is not supported on Edge Runtime

Open viktorlarsson opened this issue 1 year ago • 9 comments


As described in this ticket, Axios is not supported (and I don't think it will in any time near future) and you cannot use this library on an Serverless edge functions for example like Vercel, AWS etc. (or any service worker like Cloudflare)



Steps to reproduce

  • Spin up a new NextJS app, create a new api endpoint using edge runtime. It will fail.
import typeSenseService from "@/services/typesense/typesense";
import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";

export const config = {
  runtime: "edge",

export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
  if (req.method !== "POST") {
    return NextResponse.json({ error: "no" }, { status: 500 });

  try {
    const { searchParams } = new URL(req?.url ?? "");
    const term = searchParams.get("term") as string;


   // Just a simple typesense search here
    const data = typeSenseService.search("index_name", term);

    return NextResponse.json({ result: data });
  } catch (e: any) {
    return NextResponse.json({ error: "no" }, { status: 500 });

Expected Behavior

  • It should work if you move to fetch, or create more agnostic way to pass the httpClient. Example below:

export interface Fetch {
  (url: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>

export interface RequestInit {
  headers?: any
  method?: string
  body?: string
  redirect?: string

export interface Response {
  headers: Headers
  ok: boolean
  status: number
  statusText: string
  text: () => Promise<string>
  json: () => Promise<any>

export interface CallInfo extends RequestInit {
  name: string
  type: string
  url: string
  status: number
  statusText: string
  error?: Error

export interface FetcherOptions {
  record?: (info: CallInfo, data: string | Blob | ArrayBuffer | any) => Promise<void>

export interface Fetcher {
  (name: string, url: string, init?: RequestInit, childId?: string): Promise<Response>

export interface Recorder {
  (info: CallInfo, data: string | Blob | ArrayBuffer | any): Promise<void>

const record = async (
  name: string,
  url: string,
  init: RequestInit | undefined,
  type: string,
  options: FetcherOptions,
  response: Response,
  data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | any
): Promise<void> => {
  if (!options.record) {
  const info: CallInfo = {
    ...(init || {}),
    status: response.status,
    statusText: response.statusText
  await options.record(info, data)

export default function wrap(fetch: Fetch, options: FetcherOptions = {}): Fetcher {
  return async (name: string, url: string, config: RequestInit = { headers: {} }): Promise<Response> => {
    const response = await fetch(url, config)

    const wrapMethod = (res: Response, methodName: string): void => {
      // @ts-ignore
      const original = res[methodName].bind(res)
      // @ts-ignore
      res[methodName] = async (...args) => {
        const result = await original(...args)
        await record(name, url, config, methodName, options, response, result)
        return result
    wrapMethod(response, 'json')
    wrapMethod(response, 'text')

    return response

// Usage

const httpClient = wrap(axios, options)
const httpClient = wrap(fetch, options)

const ticketResponse = httpClient('unique-endpoint', '/api/tickets', {
  method: 'POST'

Actual Behavior

it... should work :D


Typesense Version: 1.5.4

OS: Mac OS X

viktorlarsson avatar Jun 16 '23 13:06 viktorlarsson

Any temporarily solutions to this?

denny64 avatar Aug 05 '23 15:08 denny64

It would be a non-trivial amount of work to replace axios in typesense-js.

So the workaround would be to use say fetch and call the Typesense HTTP APIs directly.

jasonbosco avatar Aug 07 '23 16:08 jasonbosco

It's worth exploring have an edge/deno supported js/ts library as many users are switching to such implementations for their backend.

Related: https://github.com/typesense/typesense-js/issues/95

leerobert avatar Sep 12 '23 12:09 leerobert

That axios is not working on edge workers like Deno Deploy, Vercel Edge Functions or Cloudflare Workers is an absolute dealbreaker for me.

You can just make fetch('<urhost>/collection/) calls but it is annoying. That's what we do though.

leerobert avatar Jan 24 '24 16:01 leerobert

I use pnpm aliases with redaxios

In my package.json I specify:

 "axios": "npm:redaxios@^0.5.1",

And I also have the following: .pnpmfile.cjs

function readPackage(pkg) {
 if (pkg.dependencies && pkg.name === "typesense" && pkg.dependencies.axios) {
   pkg.dependencies.axios = "npm:redaxios@^0.5.1";

 return pkg;

module.exports = {
 hooks: {

This setup works on Cloudflare Workers, not sure about other platforms.

sixers avatar Feb 06 '24 17:02 sixers