Viktor Ferenczi

Results 55 comments of Viktor Ferenczi

For me the error is the following: ``` C:\Go\bin>go get go build C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\compile.exe: fork/exec C:\Go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\compile.exe: The filename or extension is too long. ``` "The filename or extension is...

No, I did not manage to fix this. I failed to compile with multi-GPU support. What I could do is using the single GPU build and split my task (folds)...

Same on Ubuntu 15.04, I had to use gcc and g++ 4.8.4 to avoid this error.

I've just ran into the same issue. Accidentally used `Html.Attribute.class` instead of `TypedSvg.Attributes.class`. Yes, it caused a runtime error which was surprising and somewhat disappointing. People are running into this,...

I'm not even using Elm anymore. I guess the ecosystem has just stalled due to the Elm 0.19 release fiasco. These issues may never be fixed.

Does Go (delve) allow for runtime code changes while being stopped at a breakpoint? (Restricted code modification without changing the code structure, functions, structs or variables. There is a similar...

I've just spent a few hours on trying to get a simple line chart working, so-so... **Difficulties faced:** - **No simple standalone example.** I mean simple line chart plotting `y...

[Python's matplotlib has simple examples in its Gallery]( They work as standalone scripts if you copy-paste them.

Example to plot `sin x` between `0 .. 2*pi`: **Dependencies** ```sh elm install gampleman/elm-visualization elm install elm-community/typed-svg ``` **Main.elm** ```elm module Main exposing (main) import Axis import Browser import Color...

@clayjohn ```GLSL vertex.z = in_view_space(-gl_FragDepth); ``` It would indeed solve the problem in a compatible way. But performance and precision may not be optimal. Such a fragment shader would likely...