Note that in starboard it is actually trivy that scans the images.
If we can switch to s3, then we also need see if we need some migration path for environments that currently use swift.
I have tried installing harbor on cleura using s3 and can confirm that it works to push large images (tested with 20GB image that has one layer larger than 7GB)....
I think that this could be rather annoying for some deployments where it is fine with just one or two replicas. So I suggest that there should be some exception...
Remember to make sure that backups and restore works as well. Also check that prometheus can scrape the exporters.
Timebox this to 3 days. If it takes more time than that, contact a scrum master.
Expanding the scope here a bit: It would be good to also think about how the different helmfiles are structured. Some guidelines on which helmfiles to put things in and...
Yeah I agree that there is a lot that we could refactor in different ways to make it both faster and more configurable to deploy. On the topic of prometheus...
We would also loose any automated management of the CRDs that the operator might have. So it's not 100% clear that we should go this direction, but it would be...
I don't think they fulfill the same role as what this issue is asking for. I think this issue is asking for ways to e.g. copy 1 backup per week...