Yehonathan Sharvit

Results 112 comments of Yehonathan Sharvit

Indeed it can be done with web worker. I have forked a gist that does eval in a web worker But I didn't integrated into klipse - yet Again,...

BTW, all the brainfuck programs that you mentioned are the same. On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 at 14:40 Yehonathan Sharvit wrote: > Indeed it can be done with web worker....

Thx for the clarifications. On Mon, 19 Dec 2016 at 15:38 rdebath wrote: > Um: They begin with two, three or four pluses. > That means the first one runs...

@rachitnigam I'd be happy to use stopify inside Klipse. 1. What compiler option should I use? 2. Is there a way to prevent from the code to do any malicious...

Option 2 is fine. Make sure your solution works with JavaScript snippets and also other languages. Also, make sure snippets are able to share data and code. For instance, -...

That's definitely a bug. You can fix it by modifying this file: Please provide a PR.

Creating a fresh environment each time is not my preferred option as one of the value of Klipse is that you can share code between different code snippets on the...

`Ctrl-Enter` already works. You cannot really feel it because the evaluation delay is too short (40ms)

The solution is to read and check the expression before evaluating it. in `core-eval` of Something like: if the expression is not `nil` but it is read as `nil`...

Your help would be much appreciated @btholt. The code for handling `html` snippets is here: It seems that we currently use `htmlmixed` so I don't know why css code...